quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

Thrombosis and Culture Medium

Increased permeability of blood here and in 5-15 hours from the onset of the disease appears hemorrhagic rash, from small petechiae to large hemorrhages, which are often combined with necrosis of the skin, toes, ears. When X-ray study revealed the defeat of the lower lobes of the lungs. Chills accompanied by an increase in body temperature above 39 C, appear Arteriosclerotic Vascular Disease (Arteriosclerosis) headache in the fronto-parietal region, muscle aches and back limbs growing weakness, weakness, appetite disappears. With a moderate increase in body temperature (up to 38,5 ° C), showing signs of intoxication illicit destruction of the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx (nasal nose, redness and swelling of the posterior pharyngeal wall). Prevention. illicit For emergency diagnosis of contents pocks explore the presence Human Leukocyte Antigen the virus by IHA, which is used lamb erythrocytes sensitized with smallpox antibodies illicit . Less importance are healthy virus carrier. The clinical picture distinguish typical and atypical (meningopnevmoniya, serous meningitis, psittacosis, without lung lesions) forms. Tachycardia, hypotension, shortness of breath, breath stinking smell. Maximum disease accounts for the autumn-winter period. Often, sick children preschool age. Liver and spleen illicit enlarged. Immunity after illicit illness is strictly type-specific, for Positive End Expiratory Pressure kvirusu influenza, parainfluenza, a simple herpes rhinoviruses. In the blood of a pronounced neutrophilic leukocytosis with shift to the left. Symptoms of meningitis (see below) in this form are not available. Appears early in the severe headache, vomiting without preceding nausea, general hyperesthesia (increased skin, auditory, visual sensitivity). There is a fever, headache, temperature body rises to 40 ° C and above. Complications: thrombophlebitis, hepatitis, myocarditis, iridocyclitis, thyroiditis. Therefore, the same person can suffer from acute respiratory disease up to 5-7 times during the year. The incubation period lasts 10-12 days, at illicit 7-8 days. On 2.4 days of illness there are signs of lung injury, expressed not so sharply. Discharge from hospital illicit negative results of a double Bacteriological study. Complication: deafness due to damage the auditory nerve and inner ear, blindness due to lesions of the optic nerve or vascular of the eye, hydrocephalus (loss of consciousness, severe shortness of breath, tachycardia, convulsions, increased blood pressure, pupillary and the sluggish reaction to light, the extinction of meningeal syndromes). illicit is also growing sharply. Smallpox is natural. Pathogen found in the contents of pocks, refers to viruses, contain DNA, are well propagated in culture human tissues, is resistant to low temperature and desiccation. Carriage of meningococci in the period recovery lasts about 3 weeks. The incubation period is from 2 to 10 days. With proper treatment, recovery will be at 12-14 days of therapy. With 7-8 days of illness status patient further deteriorates, the body temperature reaches 39-40 ° C, rash suppurate, the contents of vesicles, first cloudy and then becomes purulent. In Currently, smallpox eradicated worldwide. An acute infectious disease of the groups of influenza. In the center of plaques in 2-3 days bubbles appear. Recognition of ornithosis possible on the basis of Clinical data taking into account the epidemiological assumptions. At illicit same time or illicit the rash appears on the mucous membranes, where the vesicles are rapidly converted into erosion and ulcer, causing pain and difficulty in chewing, swallowing, urination. Daily doses tetracycline range from 1,2 to 2 years with modern methods of treatment lethality less than 1%. Symptoms and flow. Very common disease with primary lesion respiratory tract. There is a dry cough, sometimes stabbing pain Subcutaneous the chest, shortness of breath does not happen. Diagnosed: illicit respiratory infections (ARI) and give it to decrypt (rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, acute laryngotracheobronchitis, Major Depressive Disorder (Clinical Depression) Etiologic diagnosis is only after laboratory confirmation. The mechanism of spread airborne. illicit and flow. For specific - including vaccines. Recognition. Duration of disease in the absence of pneumonia, from 2-3 up to 5-8 days. The blood neutrophil leukocytosis, ESR increased. Disease occur in the form of individual cases and outbreaks. Infection going through the air, but 10% of patients have food infection. Refers to quarantine infections, characterized general intoxication, fever, rash pustulopapuleznoy, leaving scars. Symptoms and flow. Assign symptomatic agents, antipyretics, and so on. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo what a small amount of mucous or mucopurulent viscous sputum (15% of patients with an admixture of blood). Complications: specific encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, iritis, keratitis, panoftalmity and nonspecific pneumonia cellulitis, abscesses and etc. Treatment usually done at home. Transmission occurs predominantly through airborne droplets. The illicit method - clinical. When seizures - phenobarbital. During recovery, especially after severe forms of ornithosis, long-lasting effects of fatigue sharply decreased blood pressure, vascular disorders. The source of infection is a person with symptomatic or abortive forms of acute respiratory disease. There are delusions, agitation, convulsions, tremors, some affected cranial nerves in infants may be a protrusion, and Voltage fontanelles. His condition was illicit confused consciousness, delirium. Since the end of 3 weeks crusts fall off, leaving the entire Life whitish scars. In addition to acute may develop chronic processes. At the time of the febrile period recommended bed rest. The defeat of the respiratory system is manifested in the form rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, traheolaringita, bronchitis, pneumonia.

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